Condiciones generales de contratación (AGB) de hsp GmbH & Co. SOCIEDAD EN COMANDITA

Estado: Diciembre 2017

1. generalidades, ámbito de aplicación

1.1 Nuestros suministros y servicios se realizarán exclusivamente de acuerdo con los siguientes términos y condiciones. Los términos y condiciones del cliente que sean contrarios o se desvíen de nuestros Términos y Condiciones Generales sólo se aplicarán si hemos acordado expresamente por escrito su validez. Nuestras Condiciones Generales de Contratación se aplicarán también si ejecutamos el pedido sin reservas, sabiendo que las condiciones del cliente contradicen o se apartan de nuestras condiciones de venta, entrega y pago.

1.2 Las presentes condiciones sólo se aplicarán a los empresarios en el sentido del artículo 14 del BGB (Código Civil alemán), a las personas jurídicas de derecho público o a los fondos especiales de derecho público.

1.3 Estos términos y condiciones se aplicarán también a contratos futuros con el mismo comprador. Esto no requiere ninguna otra presentación separada o referencia expresa.

1.4 Todos los acuerdos deben hacerse por escrito.

1.5 Para nuestra propia verificación de crédito, podemos solicitar información de solvencia a SCHUFA Holding AG, 65201 Wiesbaden.

1.6 Nos reservamos el derecho de contratar a subcontratistas.

2. ofertas / documentos de oferta

2.1 Nuestras ofertas están sujetas a cambios sin previo aviso. Para ser efectivo, el contrato debe ser confirmado por nosotros por escrito o ejecutado por nosotros sin reservas.

2.2 Podemos aceptar el pedido del cliente en un plazo de tres semanas.

2.3 Nos reservamos el derecho de propiedad y los derechos de autor de las ilustraciones, dibujos, cálculos y otros documentos preparados por nosotros. Esto también se aplicará si los documentos han sido entregados al cliente - por cualquier razón. Se devolverán si así se solicita. No podrán ser accesibles a terceros sin nuestro consentimiento por escrito. Reproducciones e imitaciones no están permitidas.

2.4 Nos reservamos expresamente el derecho a desviarnos de la información contenida en folletos, catálogos, listas de precios y otros documentos pertenecientes a la oferta, en la medida en que estén técnicamente condicionados y no sólo perjudiquen de forma insignificante la función de los productos y/o servicios ofrecidos, a menos que la información se designe expresamente como vinculante en nuestra confirmación de pedido.

2.5 Los servicios adicionales que se produzcan durante la ejecución del pedido principal serán solicitados por separado por el cliente y no estarán vinculados contractual y/o técnicamente al pedido principal. Las prestaciones que se realicen en la obra, por ejemplo, soldaduras especiales, están sujetas a la aprobación directa del cliente en casos individuales y no incluyen ninguna obligación de verificación estática o técnica de la soldadura, a menos que el cliente lo solicite expresamente en el marco de la ejecución del pedido y lo confirmemos por escrito por nuestra parte. Las soldaduras especiales no están sujetas a la supervisión de la construcción ni al área regulada, a menos que se notifique y comisione por escrito antes de la prestación del servicio.

3. precios

3.1 Los precios acordados se entienden franco fábrica. Los gastos de envío y/o embalaje se facturarán por separado, a menos que se indique lo contrario en nuestra confirmación de pedido.

3.2 En el caso de contratos con un plazo de entrega acordado de más de cuatro meses, nos reservamos el derecho a realizar cambios razonables en nuestros precios en caso de que se produzcan reducciones o incrementos de costes después de la celebración del contrato, en particular debido a costes de material, cambios en los precios de las materias primas, precios de los materiales auxiliares, sueldos y salarios, fletes o cargas públicas, a menos que el cliente pueda demostrar que no se han producido costes adicionales no calculados.

3.3 En el caso de cambios en los modelos publicados por el cliente, se requiere que nos comunique su opinión y su autorización por escrito. Los gastos adicionales resultantes serán revalorizados y comunicados al cliente.

3.4 A menos que se indique lo contrario en nuestra confirmación de pedido, nuestros precios no incluyen el impuesto sobre el valor añadido legal. Se facturará por separado y se indicará en el importe legal vigente el día de la facturación.

3.5 La deducción del descuento requiere un acuerdo especial y expreso por escrito.

4. condiciones de pago

4.1 A menos que se indique lo contrario en los acuerdos contractuales y en nuestra confirmación de pedido, los pagos deberán efectuarse dentro de los 14 días siguientes a la recepción de la factura. En todos los demás aspectos, se aplicarán las disposiciones legales relativas al impago.

4.2 Todos los pagos se realizarán en euros.

4.3 Las letras de cambio y los cheques sólo se aceptarán previo acuerdo expreso y sólo por razones de cumplimiento y bajo reserva de su responsabilidad. Los gastos de facturación y los costes, así como el riesgo de presentación y protesta a tiempo, correrán a cargo del cliente.

4.4 Sin perjuicio de otros derechos, en caso de demora en el pago, tendremos derecho a retener los suministros ya solicitados o los pedidos realizados hasta que todas las reclamaciones hayan sido resueltas en su totalidad.

4.5 El cliente sólo tendrá derecho a compensación y retención con las reclamaciones que se hayan establecido legalmente, sean indiscutibles o hayan sido reconocidas por nosotros por escrito. El cliente sólo tiene derecho a ejercer un derecho de retención en la medida en que se base en la misma relación contractual.

4.6 En caso de un empeoramiento sustancial de la situación financiera del cliente que, según nuestro criterio comercial, ponga en peligro nuestros derechos de pago, tendremos derecho a prestar otros servicios sólo de forma simultánea con el pago o la garantía. Quedan reservados otros derechos legales.

4.7 Si se acuerdan entregas parciales, el cliente estará obligado a pagar por adelantado, a petición nuestra, el importe del cumplimiento parcial del contrato correspondiente, que corresponde al valor de las entregas parciales en relación con la entrega total.

5. plazo de entrega

5.1 El inicio de un plazo de entrega determinado presupone la aclaración de todas las cuestiones técnicas y jurídicas (por ejemplo, la obtención de una licencia de obras). Para el inicio del plazo de entrega, también es necesario que el cliente haya cumplido sus obligaciones y demás obligaciones de forma oportuna y adecuada.

5.2 Los casos de fuerza mayor nos autorizan a aplazar la entrega mientras dure el impedimento. La fuerza mayor incluirá la huelga, la movilización, la guerra, el bloqueo, la prohibición de importación y exportación, la escasez de materias primas y energía, los incendios, los bloqueos de tráfico, las inclemencias del tiempo y otras circunstancias de las que no somos responsables. En este caso es irrelevante si se producen con nosotros, un pre-proveedor o un sub-proveedor. Si la entrega se hace imposible como resultado de tales eventos o si el impedimento temporal resultante para el cumplimiento dura más de cuatro semanas, tendremos derecho a rescindir el contrato. El cliente puede exigirnos una declaración sobre si deseamos rescindir el contrato o si vamos a entregarlo en un plazo de tiempo razonable. Si no lo declaramos en un plazo razonable, el cliente podrá rescindir el contrato en lo que respecta a la parte de la entrega que aún no se haya cumplido. Quedan excluidas otras reclamaciones del cliente.

5.3 Notificaremos al cliente con prontitud cualquier fluctuación de capacidad de nuestra parte que pueda provocar una reducción o un retraso en el plazo de entrega.

5.4 Si incurrimos en mora por razones de las que somos responsables, sólo seremos responsables si la mora se debe a dolo o negligencia grave. Tal falta por parte de nuestros agentes indirectos se nos atribuirá a nosotros. En la medida en que el retraso en la entrega no se deba a un incumplimiento intencionado o por negligencia grave del contrato, nuestra responsabilidad por daños y perjuicios se limitará a los daños previsibles y típicos.

6. transferencia del riesgo

6.1 El riesgo de pérdida y deterioro accidentales, en particular el riesgo de que la calidad de la superficie se vea afectada por un almacenamiento prolongado de la mercancía en el exterior, se transmitirá al cliente tan pronto como le notifiquemos nuestra disponibilidad para la entrega y el cliente no cumpla con la cooperación que se le exige.

6.2 En todos los demás aspectos, el riesgo pasará al Comprador cuando el objeto de entrega o partes del objeto de entrega hayan salido de la fábrica. Esto también se aplicará si el objeto de suministro se almacena temporalmente fuera de nuestras instalaciones para su montaje u otro uso posterior por nuestra parte o por parte de otra persona.

7. aceptación

7.1 Si la mercancía es montada y montada por nosotros, la aceptación de la mercancía se llevará a cabo conjuntamente y sin demora después de la notificación de la finalización, a menos que se acuerde otra cosa.

7.2 El resultado de la aceptación se registrará por escrito, si es necesario documentado con fotografías y firmado por el cliente (o su representante), así como por nosotros (o nuestro representante).

7.3 Si, después del montaje, la instalación de la mercancía y la notificación de la finalización, el cliente ha puesto inmediatamente en servicio la obra para su uso permanente, se considerará que la aceptación ha tenido lugar diez días laborables después del comienzo de la utilización, a menos que se hayan notificado expresamente defectos sustanciales.

8. garantía y responsabilidad

8.1 A menos que se acuerde lo contrario a continuación, se excluye cualquier otra reclamación por daños y perjuicios por parte del cliente debido a un defecto, independientemente de los motivos legales.

8.2 Entre otras cosas, no seremos responsables de un defecto por daños que no se hayan producido en los propios productos; en particular, no seremos responsables de daños consecuentes, pérdida de beneficios u otras pérdidas financieras en las que haya incurrido el cliente.

8.3 Esta limitación de responsabilidad no se aplicará si el daño ha sido causado intencionadamente o por negligencia grave por nosotros o por uno de nuestros auxiliares ejecutivos. Además, no se aplicará si hemos incumplido de forma culposa una obligación contractual esencial. En este caso, sin embargo, la responsabilidad por daños se limita a los daños previsibles y típicos. La responsabilidad por daños resultantes de lesiones a la vida, la integridad física o la salud no está limitada.

9. reserva de propiedad

9.1 La mercancía seguirá siendo de nuestra propiedad hasta el pago completo de todas nuestras reclamaciones contra el cliente. La inclusión de las reclamaciones individuales en las facturas o relaciones de balance actuales y su reconocimiento no anulará la reserva de propiedad. En caso de incumplimiento del contrato por parte del cliente, especialmente en caso de retraso en el pago, tendremos derecho a recuperar la mercancía suministrada. La devolución de la mercancía por nuestra parte no constituye una rescisión del contrato a menos que lo hayamos declarado expresamente por escrito. El embargo del objeto por nuestra parte constituye siempre una rescisión del contrato. Después de la devolución de la mercancía, tendremos derecho a disponer de ella. El producto de la venta se imputará a los costes accesorios y, tras su reembolso completo, a las obligaciones del cliente.

9.2 En caso de que la mercancía bajo reserva de propiedad se convierta en una parte esencial de la propiedad del cliente, el cliente nos cede por la presente los derechos derivados de la venta de la propiedad o de los derechos de propiedad por el importe del valor de la mercancía bajo reserva de propiedad, con todos los derechos accesorios y con un rango superior al resto. Aceptamos el encargo.

9.3 En caso de embargo u otras intervenciones de terceros, el cliente deberá informarnos inmediatamente por escrito.

9.4 En caso de que el cliente instale la mercancía sujeta a reserva de propiedad como elemento esencial de la propiedad de un tercero, el cliente nos cede por la presente los créditos cedibles a título oneroso frente al tercero o al tercero de que se trate por el importe del valor de la mercancía sujeta a reserva de propiedad con todos los derechos accesorios, incluido el derecho a conceder una hipoteca de primer orden antes del resto. Aceptamos el encargo.

9.5 El comprador tiene derecho a revender la mercancía en el curso ordinario de los negocios. Sin embargo, ya nos cede todos los créditos por el importe de la cantidad final (incluido el impuesto sobre el valor añadido) de nuestra solicitud que le corresponden por la reventa contra sus clientes o terceros, independientemente de si la mercancía se ha revendido sin procesamiento o después de él. El cliente sigue estando autorizado a cobrar el crédito cedido a nosotros incluso después de la cesión. Nuestra autoridad para cobrar la reclamación directamente nosotros mismos no se ve afectada por ello. No obstante, nos comprometemos a no hacer uso de este derecho a cobrar los créditos mientras el cliente cumpla con sus obligaciones de pago con el producto recibido, no se encuentre en mora y no haya suspensión de pagos ni solicitud de apertura de procedimientos de insolvencia o de concurso de acreedores. Si se cumple una de estas condiciones, podemos exigir que el cliente nos informe de los créditos cedidos y de sus deudores, que nos facilite toda la información necesaria para el cobro, que nos entregue los documentos pertinentes y que informe a los deudores (terceros) de la cesión.

9.6 Si el valor total realizable de las garantías que se nos conceden supera el 120 % de nuestros créditos residuales pendientes frente al cliente no sólo temporalmente, estaremos obligados, a petición del cliente, a liberar esta garantía de nuestra elección por el importe excedente.

10. lugar de jurisdicción, elección de la ley aplicable

10.1 Se aplicará el derecho material de la República Federal de Alemania. Se excluye el derecho de compraventa de la ONU (CISG).

10.2 El fuero exclusivo para todos los litigios derivados de la relación contractual, así como para su creación y eficacia, será Mosbach si el cliente es un comerciante, una persona jurídica de derecho público o un fondo especial de derecho público. Sin embargo, tenemos derecho, a nuestra discreción, a demandar también al cliente en su lugar de jurisdicción general.

11. Información de SCHUFA según DSGVO

Nos gustaría señalar que recopilamos o utilizamos valores de probabilidad para su conducta futura con el fin de decidir sobre el establecimiento, ejecución o terminación de esta relación contractual como parte de la gestión de riesgos y que los datos de dirección también se utilizan para calcular estos valores de probabilidad.

General information

The following notes provide a simple overview of what happens to your personal data when you visit our website. Personal data are all data with which you can be personally identified. You will find detailed information on the subject of data protection in this data protection declaration. With regard to the terms used, we refer to the definitions in Art. 4 of the Basic Data Protection Ordinance (DSGVO).

Status: March 2020

Data collection on our website

Who is responsible for the data collection on this website?

The data processing on this website is carried out by the website operator:

hsp GmbH & Co. KG
Seehof 3
97944 Boxberg
Registered at: Amtsgericht Mannheim - HRA 705061
Responsible: Torsten Hösker
Tel: +49 (0) 171 286 9739
E-mail address: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

Further information can be found in the imprint of our website.

Data Protection Officer

E-mail address: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

Which data do we process?

The categories of processed data include: Inventory data, contact data and content data, which you communicate to us via contact form or e-mail, as well as usage and communication data. This includes your anonymized IP address and data on the software and hardware you use.

In principle, we do not process any special categories of data - unless you provide us with this data using the contact form.

We process data of visitors and users of our online offer as well as the data of customers, interested parties and suppliers.

We process the collected data to make our online offer, its functions and contents available, to provide contractual services and to answer contact inquiries and to communicate with our customers.

How do we collect your information?

On the one hand, your data is collected when you communicate it to us. This may be data that you enter in a contact form, for example.

Other data may be automatically collected by our IT systems when you visit the website. These are mainly technical data (e.g. Internet browser, operating system or time of page visit). This data is collected automatically as soon as you enter our website.

Legal bases of data processing

In accordance with Art. 13 DSGVO, we hereby inform you of the legal basis of our data processing. The legal basis for obtaining consents is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a, the legal basis for the processing for the fulfilment of our services and the execution of contractual measures as well as the answering of enquiries is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b DSGVO, the legal basis for the processing for the fulfilment of our legal obligations is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c DSGVO, and the legal basis for the processing for the protection of our legitimate interests is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO. In the event that the vital interests of the data subject or another natural person require the processing of personal data, Article 6(1)(d) DSGVO serves as the legal basis. If processing is necessary to safeguard a legitimate interest of our company or a third party and if the interests, fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject do not outweigh the first-mentioned interest, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO serves as the legal basis for processing.

Changes to this data protection declaration

Please check this website regularly for the contents of our data protection declaration. As soon as the data processing carried out by us makes this necessary, we will amend our data protection declaration. Should changes require your cooperation (e.g. consent), we will inform you individually.

What rights do you have regarding your data?

You have the right to receive information about the origin, recipient and purpose of your stored personal data free of charge at any time. You also have the right to request the correction, blocking or deletion of this data. You can contact us at any time at the address given in the imprint if you have any further questions on the subject of data protection. You also have the right of appeal to the competent supervisory authority.

We process personal data of users only in compliance with the relevant data protection regulations. This means that user data will only be processed if a legal permission has been obtained. This means, in particular if data processing is necessary for the provision of our contractual services (e.g. processing of orders) and online services, or is required by law, if the user has given his or her consent, as well as on the basis of our legitimate interests (i.e. interest in the analysis, optimisation and economic operation and security of our online services within the meaning of Art. 6 Para. 1 letter f. DSGVO, in particular for range measurement, creation of profiles for advertising and marketing purposes, collection of access data and use of third-party services.

We point out that the legal basis of the consents Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a. and Art. 7 DSGVO, the legal basis for the processing for the fulfilment of our services and implementation of contractual measures Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b. DSGVO, the legal basis for processing to fulfil our legal obligations Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c. DSGVO, and the legal basis for processing to protect our legitimate interests Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. DSGVO is.

Safety precautions

We shall take appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of protection appropriate to the risk, in accordance with Article 32 DSGVO, taking into account the state of the art, implementation costs and the nature, scope, circumstances and purposes of processing and the different likelihood and severity of the risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons; the measures shall include in particular safeguarding the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data by controlling physical access to the data, as well as the access, input, transmission, security of availability and its separation. Furthermore, we have established procedures that guarantee the exercise of data subject rights, deletion of data and reaction to data risks. Furthermore, we already consider the protection of personal data during the development or selection of hardware, software and procedures, in accordance with the principle of data protection through technology design and data protection-friendly presettings (Art. 25 DSGVO).

The security measures include in particular the encrypted transmission of data between your browser and our server.

Cooperation with contract processors and third parties

If we disclose data to other persons and companies (contract processors or third parties) within the scope of our processing, transmit it to them or otherwise grant them access to the data, this shall only take place on the basis of a legal permission (e.g. if a transmission of the data to third parties, such as payment service providers, in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b DSGVO for contract fulfilment is necessary), if you have consented, if a legal obligation provides for this or on the basis of our legitimate interests (e.g. when using agents, web hosts, etc.).

If we commission third parties with the processing of data on the basis of a so-called "order processing contract", this is done on the basis of Art. 28 DSGVO.

Transfers to third countries

If we process data in a third country (i.e. outside the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA)) or if this occurs in the context of the use of third-party services or disclosure or transfer of data to third parties, this only takes place if it occurs for the fulfilment of our (pre)contractual obligations, on the basis of your consent, on the basis of a legal obligation or on the basis of our legitimate interests. Subject to legal or contractual permissions, we process or leave the data in a third country only if the special requirements of Art. 44 ff. Process DSGVO. This means, for example, processing is carried out on the basis of special guarantees, such as the officially recognised determination of a data protection level corresponding to the EU (e.g. for the USA by the "Privacy Shield") or compliance with officially recognised special contractual obligations (so-called "standard contractual clauses").

Rights of data subjects

You have the right to request confirmation as to whether the data concerned are being processed and to request information about these data as well as further information and a copy of the data in accordance with Art. 15 DSGVO.

They have correspondingly. In accordance with Article 16 of the DSBER, you have the right to request the completion of data concerning you or the correction of inaccurate data concerning you.

In accordance with Art. 17 DSGVO, you have the right to demand that relevant data be deleted immediately or, alternatively, to demand a restriction on the processing of the data in accordance with Art. 18 DSGVO.

You have the right to request that the data concerning you that you have provided to us be received in accordance with Art. 20 DSGVO and to request its transmission to other persons responsible.

In accordance with Art. 77 DSGVO, they also have the right to file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority.

Right of appeal to a supervisory authority

Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, you have the right of appeal to a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State where you reside, work or suspect of infringement, if you believe that the processing of personal data concerning you is contrary to the DSGVO.

The supervisory authority to which the complaint has been lodged shall inform the complainant of the status and results of the complaint, including the possibility of a judicial remedy under Article 78 DSGVO.

Right of revocation

You have the right to revoke consents granted pursuant to Art. 7 para. 3 DSGVO with effect for the future.

Right of objection

You can object to the future processing of the data concerning you in accordance with Art. 21 DSGVO at any time. The objection may be lodged in particular against processing for direct marketing purposes.

The user has the possibility to revoke his consent to the processing of personal data at any time. If the user contacts us by e-mail, he can object to the storage of his personal data at any time. In such a case, the conversation cannot be continued. The revocation of the consent by the user is possible by returning the e-mail with the subject note 'objection'.

All personal data stored in the course of contacting us will be deleted in this case.

Deletion of data

The data processed by us will be deleted or their processing restricted in accordance with Articles 17 and 18 DSGVO. Unless expressly stated in this data protection declaration, the data stored by us will be deleted as soon as it is no longer required for its intended purpose and the deletion does not conflict with any statutory storage obligations. If the data are not deleted because they are necessary for other and legally permissible purposes, their processing is restricted. This means that the data is blocked and not processed for other purposes. This applies, for example, to data that must be retained for commercial or tax reasons.

In accordance with statutory requirements, the records are kept in particular for 6 years in accordance with § 257 (1) HGB (trading books, inventories, opening balance sheets, annual financial statements, commercial letters, accounting documents, etc.) and for 10 years in accordance with § 147 (1) AO (books, records, management reports, accounting documents, commercial and business letters, documents relevant for taxation, etc.).

Right to deletion - obligation to delete

You may request the data controller to delete the personal data relating to you without delay and the controller is obliged to delete this data without delay if one of the following reasons applies: (1) The personal data concerning you are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed. (2) You revoke your consent, on which the processing was based pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a or Art. 9 para. 2 lit. a DSGVO, and there is no other legal basis for the processing. (3) You file an objection against the processing pursuant to Art. 21 para. 1 DSGVO and there are no overriding legitimate reasons for the processing, or you file an objection against the processing pursuant to Art. 21 para. 2 DSGVO. (4) The personal data concerning you have been processed unlawfully. (5) The deletion of personal data relating to you is necessary to fulfil a legal obligation under Union law or the law of the Member States to which the data controller is subject. (6) The personal data concerning you were collected in relation to information society services offered pursuant to Art. 8 para. 1 DSGVO.

Information to third parties
If the data controller has made the personal data concerning you public and is obliged to delete it pursuant to Art. 17 para. 1 DSGVO, he shall take appropriate measures, including technical measures, taking into account the available technology and the implementation costs, to inform data processors who process the personal data that you as the data subject have requested the deletion of all links to this personal data or of copies or replications of this personal data.

The right to cancellation shall not apply where processing is necessary (1) for the exercise of the right of freedom of expression and information; (2) to fulfil a legal obligation required for processing under the law of the Union or of the Member States to which the controller is subject or to perform a task in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority conferred on the controller; (3) for reasons of public interest in the field of public health in accordance with Art. (4) for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or for statistical purposes pursuant to Art. 89 para. 1 DSGVO, insofar as the right referred to under a) is likely to make it impossible or seriously impair the attainment of the objectives of such processing; or (5) for the assertion, exercise or defence of legal claims.

Right to limitation of processing

Under the following conditions, you may request that the processing of personal data concerning you be restricted: (1) if you dispute the accuracy of the personal data concerning you for a period which enables the controller to verify the accuracy of the personal data; (2) the processing is unlawful and you refuse to delete the personal data and instead request the restriction of the use of the personal data; (3) the controller no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of the processing but you need it for the purpose of asserting, exercising or defending legal claims, or (4) if you object to the processing pursuant to Art. 21 para. 1 DSGVO and it is not yet clear whether the legitimate reasons of the person responsible outweigh your reasons.

If the processing of personal data concerning you has been restricted, such data may only be processed - apart from being stored - with your consent or for the purpose of asserting, exercising or defending rights or protecting the rights of another natural or legal person or on grounds of an important public interest of the Union or a Member State.

If the processing restriction has been restricted according to the above conditions, you will be informed by the person responsible before the restriction is lifted.

Right to data transferability

You have the right to receive the personal data concerning you that you have provided to the person responsible in a structured, common and machine-readable format. In addition, you have the right to transfer this data to another data controller without obstruction by the data controller to whom the personal data was provided, provided that (1) the processing is based on a consent pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO or Art. 9 para. 2 lit. a DSGVO or on a contract pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b DSGVO and (2) the processing is carried out using automated procedures.

In exercising this right, you also have the right to request that the personal data concerning you be transferred directly from one data controller to another data controller, insofar as this is technically feasible. The freedoms and rights of other persons must not be affected by this.

The right to transferability shall not apply to the processing of personal data necessary for the performance of a task in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority conferred on the controller.

Right to information

If you have exercised your right to have the data controller correct, delete or limit the processing, he/she is obliged to inform all recipients to whom the personal data concerning you have been disclosed of this correction or deletion of the data or restriction on processing, unless this proves impossible or involves a disproportionate effort.

The person responsible shall have the right to be informed of such recipients.

Right to correction

You have a right of rectification and/or completion vis-à-vis the data controller if the personal data processed concerning you are incorrect or incomplete. The person responsible shall make the correction without delay.


When contacting us (via contact form or e-mail), the user's details are processed for processing the contact enquiry and its handling in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b) DSGVO.

User information can be stored in our Customer Relationship Management System ("CRM System") or comparable request organization.

We delete the requests if they are no longer necessary. For the personal data sent by e-mail, this is the case when the conversation with the user is finished. The conversation is terminated when it can be inferred from the circumstances that the facts in question have been finally clarified. We review the requirement every two years; requests from customers who have a customer account are stored permanently and are linked to the customer account details for deletion. In the case of statutory archiving obligations, the deletion takes place after their expiry (end of commercial law (6 years) and tax law (10 years) storage obligation).

Online appearances in social media

We maintain online presences within social networks and platforms in order to communicate with active customers, interested parties and users and to inform them about our services. When accessing the respective networks and platforms, the terms and conditions and the data processing guidelines of their respective operators apply.

Unless otherwise stated in our privacy policy, we will process the data of users who communicate with us within social networks and platforms, e.g. write articles on our websites or send us messages.

Cookies & range measurement

Cookies are information that is transferred from our web server or third party web servers to the user's web browser and stored there for later retrieval. Cookies can be small files or other types of information storage.

We use "session cookies", which are only stored on our website for the duration of your current visit (e.g. to enable the storage of your login status or the shopping basket function and thus the use of our online offer at all). A randomly generated unique identification number, a so-called session ID, is stored in a session cookie. A cookie also contains information about its origin and the storage period. These cookies cannot store any other data. Session cookies are deleted when you have finished using our online offer and log out or close your browser, for example.

If users do not want cookies to be stored on their computer, they are asked to deactivate the corresponding option in the system settings of their browser. Stored cookies can be deleted in the system settings of the browser. The exclusion of cookies can lead to functional restrictions of this online offer.

You may opt-out of the use of cookies for audience measurement and promotional purposes via the opt-out page of the Network Advertising Initiative and additionally the US website or the European website.

Range of coverage analysis with Matomo (formerly PIWIK)

Matomo collects and stores the following data: the type and version of browser you use, the operating system you use, your country of origin, date and time of the server request, the number of visits, your time spent on the website and the external links you click. The IP address of the users is anonymized before it is stored.

Matomo uses cookies which are stored on the user's computer and which enable an analysis of the use of our online offer by the user. Pseudonymous user profiles can be created from the processed data. The cookies are stored for one week. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is only stored on our server and not passed on to third parties.

Users can object to the anonymized data collection by the Matomo program at any time with effect for the future by clicking on the link below. In this case, a so-called opt-out cookie is stored in your browser, which means that Matomo no longer collects any session data.

ATTENTION: If you delete your cookies, however, this means that the opt-out cookie will also be deleted and must therefore be activated again by you.

Integration of third-party services and content

Within our online offer, we make no representations or warranties of any kind based on our legitimate interests (i.e. interest in the analysis, optimisation and economic operation of our online offer within the meaning of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. DSGVO) content or service offerings of third parties to incorporate their content and services, such as videos or fonts (hereinafter uniformly referred to as "content"). This always presupposes that the third party providers of this content perceive the IP address of the users, since without the IP address they could not send the content to their browser. The IP address is therefore required for the display of this content. We make every effort to use only those contents whose respective providers use the IP address only for the delivery of the contents. Third-party providers may also use so-called pixel tags (invisible graphics, also known as "web beacons") for statistical or marketing purposes. The ""pixel tags""" can be used to evaluate information such as visitor traffic on the pages of this website. The pseudonymous information may also be stored in cookies on the user's device and may include technical information about the browser and operating system, referring websites, visiting time and other information about the use of our online offer, as well as may be linked to such information from other sources.

The following presentation provides an overview of third-party providers and their contents, together with links to their data protection declarations, which contain further information on the processing of data and, in some cases already mentioned here, possibilities of objection (so-called opt-out):


Videos of the platform "YouTube" of the third party Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Privacy Policy | Opt-Out


Maps of the Google Maps service provided by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. DatenschutzerklärungPrivacy Policy | Opt-Out


External code of the JavaScript framework "jQuery", provided by the third-party provider jQuery Foundation.

Use of reCAPTCHA

To protect input forms on our site, we use the service "reCAPTCHA" of Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA, hereinafter "Google". By using this service it can be distinguished whether the corresponding input is of human origin or is abusive through automated machine processing.

To our knowledge, the referrer URL, the IP address, the behaviour of website visitors, information about operating system, browser and dwell time, cookies, display instructions and scripts, the user's input behaviour and mouse movements in the "reCAPTCHA" checkbox area are transmitted to "Google".

Google uses the information obtained in this way, among other things, to digitize books and other printed matter and to optimize services such as Google Street View and Google Maps (e.g. house number and street name recognition).

The IP address transmitted within the scope of "reCAPTCHA" will not be merged with other Google data unless you are logged in to your Google account at the time you use the "reCAPTCHA" plug-in. If you want to prevent this transmission and storage of data about you and your behaviour on our website by "Google", you must log out of "Google" before you visit our site or use the reCAPTCHA plug-in.

The reCAPTCHA analyses run completely in the background. Visitors to the website are not informed that an analysis is taking place.

Data processing is carried out on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO. The website operator has a legitimate interest in protecting his website offers against abusive automated spying and SPAM.


To inform you about the use of cookies, we display a cookie banner on our site. The cookie banner is displayed until you click on the button at the bottom of the screen. A cookie is stored on your computer to prevent the banner from reappearing each time you visit the site. No data is retrieved or stored by us or third parties for this purpose.


Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt

Nuestras patentes son una base importante para nuestro éxito.

Actualmente somos titulares de las siguientes patentes:

  • Sistema de transporte elevado con bastidor autoportante Patente: PCT/DE2013/000407

  • Sistema de transporte elevado con pórticos de pilares | Número de patente: PCT/DE2013/000199

  • Sistema de transportadora elevado con módulos de bastidor de soporte | No. de Patente: 102013213222.0

  • Sistema de transportadora elevado con elemento de seguridad | No. de Patente: 102013213223.9

  • Sistema de transporte elevado para el almacenamiento en el techo de una planta de montaje; Nº Modelo de Utilidad: 20 2013 104 353.2

¿Qué significa protección de patentes?

La historia de la empresa se remonta al siglo pasado y debe sus orígenes a una herrería, que aún hoy se puede admirar en el museo local.

Aquí encontrará fotos y documentos de principios del siglo XX:

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74722 Buchen
Tel.: +49 (0) 171 286 9739

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HSP Dynamics GmbH

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S.C. hsp-ag S.R.L.

Buchenbergweg 18
74722 Buchen
Tel.: +49 (0) 171 286 9739


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